They’re really cool, but also not. But they kinda are.

Today I attended a networking event I signed up for a week ago. It wasn’t something I was prepared for.

I’m quite the introvert, so I can’t do these things at the drop of a hat. Sure, I had a week to mentally prep, but I didn’t really – it’s been a very busy couple weeks and I didn’t have time to think about such things. Because of that, the event had the ‘crept up on me’ vibe to it.

So I went more in hope than anything. It helped that a colleague of mine, Imran, went as well. He’s been in sales for a few years, so this sort of thing is way more up his street. I just followed his lead, really.

I’ve been to such events before, I’ve managed events before, and the energy this time around was the same as always. And really, it’s that energy that makes these things so cool to me. It’s the feeling of opportunity – but what that means exactly depends on you.

And here’s where I tend to get done in.

As someone who likes reading and writing stories for the sake of it (not every piece of writing needs to be selling something), I’m more interested to get to know people – why they’re here, what they’re trying to achieve, what their journey has been. What they’re like as people, even. But of course, chances are most people are there for business, some more straightforward about it than others.

I just want to talk about the things that make them laugh, or infuriate them. Memes, anyone?

In that sense, I do feel a little out of place at times. I prefer slow-paced, in depth conversation, not the professional equivalent of speed dating.

(It doesn’t help that I’m terrible at thinking on my feet.)

That said, I feel like it’s just a matter of getting in more reps. I’m new in my place in life, and there’s something definitely to be said about how being more comfortable in where exactly you stand plays a part in how you project yourself. You are what you feel.

With time, reps, and some fine-tuning, I believe I’ll get there one day soon. I want some of that energy; it really is quite addictive.

Oh, and free pork katsu sandwiches don’t hurt either.