久しぶりね 。 / It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

“I might have a business trip to Singapore next week, wondering if you are up for a short meet up.”

July 2019 is a month of reconnecting.

I went overseas with my parents for the first time in… about a decade. I met an old ‘war buddy’ (long story) because I happened to be in the vicinity of her office after some work obligations. There are also upcoming meetups with friends I don’t see often, and I’m trying to set up a couple more.

The universe itself decided to put a cherry on top of the reunion sundae with the above message coming through on an otherwise unremarkable Tuesday night. This led to a catch-up with an old uni friend whom I hadn’t seen in four years (and hadn’t even been in contact with in any form for about eight months).

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and it felt like any random dinner we used to have in Melbourne. ‘Feels like just yesterday only’, as she put it.

Different place, different time, but the exact same dynamics.

Personal mission

I think everyone agrees that friends like these are priceless gems, especially as we grow up and get busier with work and other #adulting responsibilities. Like it or not, we’re just not going to be able to keep up with everything that goes on with every friend we’ve ever made.

Sometimes that means friendships wither away, through no real fault of either party. But other times, it leads to pleasant reunions like the one I had – figurative time capsules that bring back what once was, like nothing ever changed.

Given the right circumstances, lightning in a bottle remains exactly that. We’ve just got to bring it out of storage every now and then to remember those special connections – which is what I’m aiming to do more of.

I’m a very private person. I’ve mentioned before about being an introvert, and I just generally don’t offer my time or effort to anyone I don’t think deserves it.

(That might make me sound real haughty, but it’s more about preserving my own energies than anything malicious.)

I do err too much on the side of caution, however. There are a fair number of people whom I wish I knew better or kept up to date with, and I’m making an effort to do so, now.

Gratia cantantes

I’ve been through some things in life that taught me to trust in no one by myself. There were some harsh times where the only instinct was survival, and I think it’s fair to say that some of that damage has never quite gone away, nor will it ever.

But I’m just trying to be better every day. And, ideally, I’d like to get there with a little help from my friends.

To those who have been around, thank you. To those that will enter, thanks in advance.

And I’ll do what I can to hold up my end of the bargain.