A man is driving along a country road and sees a sign which says: “$5 for talking dog, take next left.”

Thinking this is some sort of joke, the man decides to check it out. So the man takes the left onto a a farm, and a farmer comes out.

Farmer: “You here about the dog?”

Man: “Yeah, does the dog really talk?”

F: “Sure does, come here and I’ll show ya.”

The man and the farmer walk to the garage, where a dog is lying on a dog bed. It sees them and walks over to them.

F: “Go on, ask him anything.”

M: “Alright dog, tell me about yourself.”

To the man’s surprise, the dog begins to speak, clearly and with proper words!

Dog: “Well, when I was a young pup, I always wanted to serve my country. So, as soon as I could, I enlisted with the airport security as a sniffer dog. I was real good at my job too, got a few promotions and turned some heads. Eventually, the US army picked me up as a bomb-sniffer dog, and I helped prevent tragedies all across the country and oversees. After a while I retired, found myself a nice girl, had a few pups, and finally came to this farm to live out my golden years.”

The man is stunned. He turns to the farmer and says:

M: “Holy cow, you were right! Why are you only asking $5 for this dog?!”

F: “Cause he’s a liar! He ain’t ever done any of that!”